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What is School Council?

School Councils are an excellent way for you to get involved in your child’s education. Every TDSB school has an elected School Council. Your School Council is an important forum for involving parents/family and community in matters that impact the education of students.


Mission Statement

Bessborough School Council supports student success in our school and community.



To improve student achievement and enhance the accountability of the education system by encouraging parents to actively participate in the education of their children.



To follow the regulations, policies and guidelines of the Ministry of Education and Toronto District School Board concerning school councils:

  • to place the interests of the school and its students first

  • to share responsibility and accountability for the success of all students

  • to enhance parent and community involvement in the school

  • to promote effective consultation, collaboration and communication among home, school and community

  • to provide a forum for dialogue and collaboration concerning the school success plan, to meet shared educational goals

  • to facilitate fundraising initiatives that will augment the school’s annual operating budget 

  • to act as an advisory body and resource to the school principal and, when appropriate, to the board


Role of School Council

The school council is accountable to the school community. The role of the school council is to:

  • operate within the Education Act and its regulations, the Ministry of Education guidelines and the Toronto District School Board policies, operating procedures and contractual agreements.

  • act as an advisory body by providing ideas and suggestions to assist the principal and, where appropriate, the school board trustees, in making decisions on educational issues. Advice provided shall be based on the general views of the school council and in the best interests of the students. 

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